Why you should consider migrating your portal to the HubSpot EU Data Centre

Migrating your HubSpot portal to the EU data centre not only ensures compliance with GDPR regulations but also enhances data security, performance, and customer trust. Discover the key benefits and straightforward steps involved in the migration process.

The HubSpot EU Portal Migration (currently in beta) is a strategic initiative that not only ensures compliance with EU data protection regulations but also unlocks numerous benefits for your business.From bolstering customer trust to enhancing data security and performance, the advantages of migrating to the EU data centre are highly valuable, especially to organisations with stringent data security policies.

Here are six benefits of HubSpot EU Portal Migration:

  1. GDPR Compliance: By storing data within the EU data centre, you demonstrate a commitment to GDPR compliance, thus enhancing trust and credibility with your EU customers.
  2. Data Security: EU data centres adhere to stringent security standards, safeguarding your sensitive information against cyber threats and unauthorised access.
  3. Improved Performance: Proximity to the EU market ensures faster loading times and a seamless user experience, enhancing the performance of your HubSpot portal.
  4. Enhanced Customer Trust: Demonstrating compliance with EU data protection laws fosters trust among EU customers, leading to stronger relationships and increased loyalty.
  5. Legal Assurance: Operating within the EU jurisdiction provides legal assurance and protection, mitigating risks associated with data privacy breaches and regulatory non-compliance.
  6. Scalability and Flexibility: With your HubSpot portal hosted in the EU, you gain scalability and flexibility to adapt to evolving business needs while remaining compliant with local regulations.

Considering all these benefits, it seems highly logical to schedule the transfer right away!

In a nutshell, the HubSpot migration process itself is handled in a few simple steps and doesn’t seem too complicated:

  1. Assessment of Data: Begin by evaluating the data stored within your current HubSpot portal. Identify all customer information, including personal data, and assess its compliance with GDPR regulations.
  2. Selection of EU Data Centre: HubSpot offers data centres in various regions worldwide. Choose the EU data centre to ensure that your data remains within the jurisdiction of EU regulations.
  3. Backup Preparation: Prior to migration, perform a comprehensive backup of your HubSpot data. This ensures that no information is lost during the transition process.
  4. Execution of Migration: Ensure that all data is transferred securely to the EU data centre with the help of a partner on a set time frame.
  5. Verification and Testing: Once the migration is complete, conduct thorough testing to verify the integrity of your data and the functionality of your HubSpot portal in the EU environment.

However, when it comes to the data migration process between the US and the EU portal, HubSpot has created a set of guidelines, ways of working, and action points to consider before, during, and after the migration.

This is where the understanding of apps, ongoing integrations, data sync, scripts, domains, and other HubSpot features comes in. We are here to help you secure your data as well.

Interested? Book a meeting with me to discuss further details!


Yvonne Edfelt

Head of HubSpot Consulting